Tuesday 13 October 2015

Post University Update

If you asked me if this is how I thought things would be after Uni I would have said a resounding no

I wasn't sure what I was going to be doing but this was not it. How do I feel about this? I'm not sure yet. It has made me realise though, if you are student thinking once you leave University everything will fall into place and you'll land the high paying and fulfilling career straight away, then you're probably wrong. 

People might say to me that I haven't got enough experience perhaps. In some ways they're right and getting experience is hard, however it is something I've done since leaving University. In the subject of my degree? Of course not

Honestly, it's not that I'm really unhappy with where I am. At the moment I have a job which although not a graduate role is helping me gain plenty of skills which future employers will hopefully...respect. My problem is I don't know what I'm working towards as I haven't decided on a career path. 

From all this ranting and what sounds to be negativity, I want to tell you something. This message isn't just for the students and graduates but for everyone and it's the one of the most important things I've learnt...

  Look for opportunities and find your own ways to make yourself stand out.

 You can't just expect things to work out for you and you definitely cannot expect your dream job to present itself to you out of "luck". Although this sounds obvious, what I mean is, you won't get anywhere if you don't talk to people and create opportunities to gain the experience. Sometimes you find opportunities in the most unlikely situations!

Hayley x 

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