Thursday, 31 December 2015

30 questions you should ask yourself before 2016

So a BuzzFeed posted an article titled "30 questions you should ask yourself before 2016" so I thought I'd have a little bit of fun on my crazy New Year's eve in and answer them...

1. What did you do this year that you’re proud of?
 Graduated with a First in Psychology!

2. Who did you meet this year that inspired you?
Whilst at Uni I was lucky enough to be taught by some very intelligent people and they inspired me to succeed and make a difference.

3. What did you read that you think bettered you?
I'd either just say reading novels because it helps you see different perspectives. Or completely the opposite... research papers.

4. What are songs that you will always hear and think of this year even when you’re listening on some contraption that hasn’t even been invented yet?
Taylor Swift - 1989 album!

5. What were some times that you laughed so hard you could barely breathe?
I can't even think of a specific time... but I've had a lot of laughs during in the time I was in my Christmas temp job.

6. What were your favorite movies? Not what was good, not what you had to see because of your friends or the media. What were your favorites?
Disney's Inside Out!

7. What are some fears that you had at the beginning of the year that you overcame?
Long flights and planes... one thing that has put me off travelling to the US before was the long flight. I thought I'd feel trapped and get a bit panicky but I actually managed to relax and now it seems silly thinking about it!

8. What were quotes that you loved this year?
"Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket, and sometimes the best teacup is chipped."
 –Belle (Once Upon a Time)

9. What are ways that you exercised self care?
Trying to exercise regularly!

10. What are things you want to see more of next year?
More money in my bank account would be nice to see!

11. What are five things you did that you never thought you’d actually do?
- Graduate with a first
-Go to New York
-Struggle so much to find a job after Uni
- Enjoy a classic car show
-Nearly miss a flight!

12. What were your favorite things this year?
Going to New York and everything about it. Seeing the city in summer and walking around central park. Visiting in the winter and seeing School of Rock on Broadway!

13. What are the most important things you learned this year?
How to cook!

14. What is your favorite photo from this year?
15. What are five things you want to say to people you love?
- Do what makes you happy
-  If something is making you unhappy then change it
- "Worrying is like walking around with an umbrella waiting for the rain"
- If you need cheering up watch a Disney film! Or even better, invite me round and we'll watch Disney!
- Thank you for putting up with me!

16. What are some places where you feel true joy in your life?
Being near the sea! Also in the photo above I was pretty happy looking over New York!

17. Where do you feel most yourself?
Around those who I don't feel like they're judging me and I can be my true self!

18. What were your favorite meals?
I had the best pork chop of my life in a grill house in New York city and I don't think anything will ever taste as good!

19. How did you calm yourself in times of stress?
Adult colouring!

20. What are some compliments that you received that deeply affected you?
Any compliment which is actually genuine and not being said to make conversation!

21. Who are people that you believe are bringing out the best in you?
My lovely boyfriend!

22. What items of clothing did you buy that felt the most you?
Disney Vans tshirts and pijamas ahahahaa!

23. What are you excited about leaving behind in 2015? 
Nothing - everything has taught me a lesson!

24. What are five things that you were hard on yourself about but would never have been hard on a friend if they were experiencing it?
- Struggling to find a job
- Not exercising enough
- Not being as organised as I would like
-Not having a plan for how to get a job I am happy with
- Being a rubbish cook!

25. What are the best pieces of advice you heard this year?

26. What are the best pieces of advice you gave this year?
It is always going to be the same... you regret the things you don't do the most!

27. What things have you been putting off doing because you didn’t have time?

28. What are some things you’d like to focus and work on in the next year?
Being more healthy, being more grateful and mindfulness!

29. What are the best parts of you that you feel really showed through this year?

30. What are your biggest hopes for 2016?
I'll find a new rewarding job and that I can travel some exciting places!

Let me know if you answer these questions to! Leave me a comment or tweet me @_bowsnandbuttons

Hayley x 

2015 is over!

Let me start by saying... I definitely did not take enough photos this year. This mixed up collage represents how crazy life has been this year and to be honest... all over the place! I graduated with a first, I've been to the US twice and got to visit New York City! Also I've left my place of study and moved back to my hometown, which has been a bit strange and things still aren't quite as I expected or perhaps hoped. 

I could ramble on about how I plan to be healthier... which I do want to do but that's not the point. 2016 is going to be a challenging year, I'm ending 2015 without a job and graduate life is far different from I expected it to be. I'll set myself goals throughout the year instead of resolutions but one thing I am going to do again is take a photo every day (I did this is 2014 and it was so nice to look back on)!

Happy New Year everyone!

Hayley x  

Monday, 23 November 2015

Queen Tea Bath Tea Review

"Pure, natural, fresh homemade Bath Teas. let your skin drink up its goodness…"

Designed to soothe sore and aching muscles, detoxify and promote relaxation, Queen Teas Bath Teas provide everything I want from a bath! Yes, baths are on the whole relaxing, but I rarely find a product that really does feel like it heals my aches and pains!

For my latest bath I tried out the Queen Tea Tea-Tox Detox. From the moment this arrived I could smell that it was packed with essential oils. If you don't know essential oils are great for your mind and body! This bath tea offers the perfect cleanse with rejuvenating eucalyptus and rosemary oils to get rid of any nasty toxins. As my job involves being on my feet, I get rather achey but once I got out of this bath I was feeling so much better! So I'd definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a pamper after a long day at work!

 Although I must admitted I am usually drawn to the glittery and colourful bath bombs, I often find they don't always provide more than just a fragrance (and glitter stuck to your tub!). So although this maybe isn't what I wouldn't usually go for this bath was incredibly relaxing and made the water delicately fragranced and soothing.

"We use the purest salts from the Dead Sea, fresh harvested natural botanical extracts, and organic essential oils, so you get the best out of nature and the best from your ‘me time’!

If you're looking for something that will be uplifting they also do a Morning Cuppa Bath Tea which is designed to energize. Or if you're looking to get a good nights sleep Really Relaxing Bath Tea is perfect for feeling calm and relaxed. I really want to try both after being so impressed with the Tea-Tox!

Also not only do I love the actual product but I love that Queen Tea are British, ethical, cruelty free natural cosmetic company with a conscience, which means they are conscious about the environment and also personal well being of the mind and body. Plus they donate £1 of every Tea-Tox Box sold goes to The Trussel Trust which raises awareness of food waste and poverty!
Have you tried any products from Queen Tea? If not let me know in the comments what you're thinking of trying!

Hayley x 

Saturday, 31 October 2015

What I Learnt From Blogging Every Day for a Month

October is over which means one thing... Blogtober is over! Ahhh I can't believe I did it! I  managed to blog every single day for whole entire month! As you probably know, I'm not the most consistent of bloggers, I blog when I have time and I blog when I feel like it. Blogging is not my priority, it's a hobby and for the moment it doesn't look like that will change. As much as blogging for a full time job is any bloggers dream, I'm not unrealistic and will keep my priorities in sight. Anyway, away from the negatives. my point being, until lately I would have never had time to blog every day but due to a change in circumstances, I have and as much as I have enjoyed it, it has take up so much time! But here's what I learnt from blogging every day for a month...

1. Traffic
Probably the noticeable thing this month was my increase in traffic, far higher than I've had before. I have no idea what kinda traffic is the average blogger gets, I'm embarrassed to say what it is mind you because I know mine is still so little in comparison to others. But, that's not the point. the point is it all made it worth my time to know more people were seeing my content!

2. Time and Commitment 
So I obviously knew it was going to take up a lot of my time but what really got me was the days where I'd been at work and then came home knowing I hadn't done the blog post. There were some days when I didn't want to spend time out of my evening writing, I just wanted to sit and do nothing. However, using that time to blog made me feel productive and proud that I'd created something. 

3. Quality of posts
I was pleased with all the content I put out, I would never post something on my blog I wasn't happy with. But quality is another matter, there were some posts that probably could have been of a lot better quality and maybe because of blogging everyday the quality of my posts suffered? Although, because I haven't spent hours editing and perfecting them I kinda like that they are just me rambling on and maybe more... relatable? Despite this, I wish I had more time to improve the quality such as taking more of my own photos and adding my personal touch that way which I want to in the future.

4. Chatting with other bloggers
Being a more consistent member of the blogging community means I've talked to a lot more bloggers and consequently means I don't (always) feel like I'm talking to myself!

5. A huge sense of achievement
I committed to blogtober on a bit of a whim, I knew I had enough time to do it so I did. I admit, I had doubts, I thought there may be a few days skipped and a few posts saying "sorry I didn't feel like it today". But no, I did it! I managed it! Not that I thought I wasn't capable, but it does show that if you put your mind and heart into something the results are amazing.

You never know, in the future, I might do another month where I blog everyday, who knows! I might continue to blog every day but not beat myself up when I skip a day or don't feel like writing. One thing is for sure. I want to be more consistent in my blogging and not give up!

Do you think you could blog every day? Maybe you did blogtober too, how did you find it? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x

Friday, 30 October 2015

October Summary

Bad luck seems to have been following me around this month, more seems to be going wrong than right, one annoying thing has happened after another! Let's hope that the start of November will see the end of this bad luck spell! 

October seems to have flown by! I won't go into details about all my unlucky bad events but it hasn't been an easy month. Most of the annoying things have been sorted and hopefully the other unresolved problems will be soon.

I didn't get up to much thing month, I've started a new job and been trying to get into a routine. Unfortunately, I've completely failed as I only work part time and haven't found a good way to structure my days off as I haven't been sleeping well so I've been exhausted most of the time. The whole dark evenings and cold weather really seems to have affected me this year!

The biggest goal for me this month was to attempt to blog every day for the whole month, which I have achieved! I must admit I've found it hard to find the time and some days have just felt like skipping a day but I didn't and I'm proud that I've made it through the month. Although I'm pretty certain that for now daily blogging will not be a thing for me unfortunately!

With regards to my goals that I set myself in my September Monthly Update post, I've tried to be healthier... kind of . Now it's got more colder and wintry I seem to have lost motivation to exercise and haven't been able to go for the long walks down the beach which I was doing over summer. So again, for November, I'm going to try to be healthy because let's face it December will be full of mince pies and roast dinners! 

Looking forward to November, I haven't got a lot planned except for going to America again where I will be celebrating Thanksgiving! I'm going for just under a week but I'm really looking forward to it! Also November is the time to do the Christmas shopping... which I hate as I never know what to get anyone!

How was October for you? Have you got any exciting plans for November? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Childhood Nostalgia - TV shows

Ah wasn't childhood so much simpler? No bills to pay and no jobs to go to! I must admit this post was sparked by the fact I'm having mashed potato for dinner and my boyfriend and I started discussing other shows we missed from our childhood. And we now can't stop singing the Mona the Vampire theme tune. Crazy Thursday night huh! So here's a little post dedicated to the childhood tv that I loved and the ones that really stand out in my mind! 
1. Bodger and Badger! 
Is it just me that every time I have mashed potato thinks of the theme tune to this programme?! 
2. Tracey Beaker
I think every girl that is now around my age (21) has fond memories of coming home and watching Tracey Beaker and also just being overall obsessed with Jacqueline Wilson. I remember queuing for hours to meet her at a book shop to have her sign my book!
3. Funny Bones
Kinda creepy and don't really remember what it was about but the theme tune just reminds me of being little! In a dark, dark town there was a dark, dark street and in the dark, dark street there was a dark, dark house,and in the dark, dark house there were some dark, dark stairs...
4. Noah's Island
Again, don't really remember a lot about this one either but I know it was one of those shows I adored! Always having been obsessed with all animals big and small so this cartoon was right down my street!
5. Little Bear
The show about the cutest little bear and his friends won my heart. The little grizzly bear always wanted to explore and go on adventures and it was always a favourite of mine.
5. The Herbs 
I don't know if this was shown on TV, but we definitely had it on video - do kids now even know what a video tape is?! Apparently this was first released in the 60s! It was basically about a Lion called Parsley and his friends also named after herbs!
6. Come Outside
Forget cartoons and the modern shows such as pepper pig, Come Outside was where it was at! This is possibly my favourite out of the whole list. Pippin the dog is just so incredibly adorable!
7. Arthur
Getting home from a long day at school then watching this... oh yeaaaah. Never really understood what Arthur was until I was a lot older though!
8. Mona the Vampire
Show us your fangs! Another after school favourite of mine that I remember watching with my sister!

What were your favourite TV shows as a child? Do you remember watching any of the above? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbutttons 

Hayley x 

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Blog Post Inspiration

Let's face it, we've all been there, we really want to write a blog post but we're stuck for ideas or in my case haven't had any time to take any photos! However I have some suggestions to consider if you're in this position, posts that always seem popular and because other bloggers want to know more about you, the person behind the blog! So if you find yourself struggling to write here are some good ideas to start you off...

1. Advice
Have you got some advice that could help others? Maybe you've gone to University and want to offer your tips on how to save money or how to cope with home sickness! Advice posts are always a great read and even if they only help one person knowing you could have helped someone is amazing. It's also nice to hear advice from someone who has actually gone through what you're struggling with.

2. Experience
If you've been on holiday recently or done something exciting then why not share the experience on your blog. It's always good to get some holiday inspiration, find out the good places to go and see all the touristy snaps! Or if you've done something exciting then tell others about it and maybe they'll realise they want to experience something new as well!

3. Tags
Tag posts are great to let others know more about you, recently I've done the Autumn Tag. Alternatively write a 50 facts about me as it's a really fun post to write and others will be able to relate to you and find similarities of interests, hates, hobbies etc! Also it's great then to read others responses!

4. Favourites 
It doesn't have to be beauty favourites! Share what ever you've been loving, whether it's food or a book you've read. If you've loved something then let others know about it so they can enjoy it to! I'm always more likely to try something out if I've seen a blogger talk about it.. no matter how random it is!

5. Life Updates
I'm not saying use your blog as a personal diary no way! There's just some life stuff the internet doesn't need to know and I'm not saying you need to give excuses if you've been away from the blogging world for a bit. I love reading and writing posts that give a sneaky insight into the life of a blogger and what they do other than their blog. Recently I've written life updates about my current goals and also life after University!

What are your favourite posts to read and/or write? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

50 Facts about ME!

1. I graduated this year with a 1st in Psychology.
2. I'm a huge Disney fan.
3. Adult colouring is my current obsession - i'ts the best way to destress!
4. Taylor Swift and Passenger are my most listened to artists.
5. I passed my driving test over a year ago and haven't driven since.
6. My favourite place is the beach and being near the sea.
7. I love green tea - it's magical stuff (if you don't know the benefits, google them now!)
8. I don't feel right if I don't have a to do list on the go.
9. I really want to write a book (not sure what about though...)
10. I have one sister who is 3 years younger than me
11. I was born in 1994.
12. I think I'm lactose intolerance
13... but I love cheese too much to find out if I'm right.
14. I love musicals, my favourite is either Wicked or Lion King!
15. I get autumnal Hayfever
16. Whilst at Uni my eczema was really bad on one arm then suddenly it went away and never returned anywhere on my body.. except my eyelids which is due to the cold weather!
17. I believe everything happens for a reason (to an extent)
18. I'm obsessed with quotes
19. I love books and reading
20. Nail varnish is my favourite sort of beauty product
21. I hate airports, I have no idea why but they make me feel so uneasy
22.I hate sport - taking part and watching it!
23. I scar so easily!
24. I have a scar up one finger where my sister hit me with a hair brush when I was younger.
25. I like piercings but they always get infected so I decided to not get anymore.
26. I have no idea what to for a career!
27. But my dream career would invovle animals, writing and being creative...
28. I love pajamas and comfy clothes too much
29. I started my blog as I needed to find a way to write!
30. I went to America for the first time this year. 
31. I don't tend to drink alcohol, only the occasional drink in the evening.
32. My favourite TV show is Made in Chelsea (even if it's a load of a rubbish, but I've watch it from the start and feel committed to it!)
33. I can't cope with emotional adverts.
34. I like my height at 5'5 I'm pretty average and don't really want to be taller or shorter!
35. I really don't like eating out and would prefer to cook my own food (even though I can't cook)
36. I want a little tattoo but don't know what of and if I'll ever have the guts to!
37. I have few regrets - my attitude has always been if I want to do something and if I think I might regret not doing it then I will!
38. Proudest moment of my life so far was graduating - wearing the hat and gown!
39. I have perfect eye sight and in face better than normal (I can read the bottom line of the thing they get you to read off)
40. I'm messy but really want to be a tidy person (and in my head I am)
41. I don't drink coffee. 
42. My boyfriend's family moved to America at the beginning of the year = Cheap holiday ;)
43. Despite not being able to cook, I have lately mastered pancakes!
44. And my boyfriend says my cookies are better than Tesco's!
45. I'll never buy a really expensive phone as they're a complete waste of money.
46. Long baths are my favourite thing to do when I spend some time relaxing.
47. Spring is my favourite season.
48. I love taking photos of things.
49. Although I love cities (especially New York) there is no way I could live in a city centre
50. I want to own a vintage car collection!

Hayley x 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Sephora Wishlist

Going to America next month may mean a trip to Sephora is on the cards and as it's always important to be prepared in case that situation arises, so I've put together a little list of things that I wouldn't mind getting if I find myself in beauty junky heaven! I definitely need to pick up some face masks after loving the ones I tried last time and maybe treat myself to a few other bits while I'm there!

Have you got any recommendations of what I should look out for in Sephora? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @bowsandbuttons

Hayley x

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Staying Positive

Do you ever have those days where everything seems to suck and go wrong? Well I've had a whole week of it, it seems like one thing after another! As soon as one thing is sorted, boom, something else happens or breaks. I won't go into the miserable details of everything as y'know some of it's personal! However, as bad and annoying as things are, there are silver linings and things I'm really looking forward to which makes me feel a bit more positive.

It's less than than a month til I go to America again! I'll be jetting off to Connecticut to visit my boyfriend's family and hopefully take a trip into New York City! I'm soooo excited! Apparently they've already been having snow flurries! Also I can't wait to be reunited with Sephora, not sure my bank account is looking forward to the reunion though...

♥ Christmas is soon! Need I say more? Get Halloween out the way so I can start feeling festive without the guilt. Bring on the mince pies!

♥ Some of the annoying things that have happened have given me an opportunity to spring clean and have a much needed de clutter. 

♥ I'm enjoying my new job and I'm not saying anything more than that because I don't want the internet knowing where I'm working! But I'm pretty happy at the moment and that's all that matters.

♥ I've managed to blog every single day of this month which is a huge achievement! I've never been the most consistent blogger, however much I've wanted it to be, it's never been my priority. However as I had the time this month I challenged myself to blogtober and have managed to blog every day (so far) wooo

So even though I didn't spend this weekend relaxing as hoped, I've got lots to be grateful and happy about! What are you looking forward to at the moment? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Current Goals

I'm a strong believer in writing down goals, I think it's motivating and also makes me feel more committed to them. While I obviously have long term goals, I like to make little short term goals to ensure I'm constantly improving myself so I can be the best version of me. Oh the cheesiness. Cheesy, but true, I think self awareness is highly important and your behaviour now can effect your future! I'll stop and get to the point before I get too deep and rambley...

1. Stop snacking! 
I have no idea when this really started but I've become a snack addict. It's not just snacking which is the problem, sometimes you need a little something in between meals, but it's the sugary snacks. I so often find myself heading to the cupboards in need of a sugar fix. It's got to the point where I need to stop. I'm trying to figure out ways to do this but it's so hard!

2. Grow my blog and improve my writing
I talked about this in my blogging goals post which you can read here. This month I've been doing blogtober and it's been amazing how much more traffic my blog has received and also how many more other bloggers I've started chatting to. As much as I have enjoyed posting everyday, I don't think I'm going to have the time to do it after this month! However, it's definitely given me the confidence that I have the ideas for content that people like to read. I think I'm going to aim to post at least 3 times a week... We'll see how that goes!

3. Don't get lazy over winter
It's so tempting to get lazy over winter... well, what am I doing now? I'm wrapped up in a blanket and feeling all cosy. Why? Because the weather outside is disgusting, dull and to be honest has a huge impact on my mood. In terms of laziness I'm mainly talking about exercise, I'm determined to keep fit over winter! Over the summer months. I walked to the beach most days but now it's cold and horrible, I need to find some new ways to exercise! I'm considering setting up the Wii and doing some fitness stuff on there, obviously it's nothing as strenuous as going to the gym but it'll mean I'm getting some exercise.

4. Read more books!
I miss reading so much, whilst at Uni I never had time to read anything but text books and journal papers, but now I'm not studying I really want to start reading lots of books again and spent some time with my kindle! I've posted my current reading list recently, so take a look here!

5. Be tidy and get rid of clutter I don't need and don't buy more things I don't need!
It's weird, in my head I want to be tidy and have everything perfect, but in reality I am not a tidy person. I think also now having moved somewhere smaller the mess is more noticeable...the mess isn't distributed! I really need to have a sort out of all my belongings and ask myself But do I really need this? Also I can't be the only one that seems to buy useless clutter that sits around and never gets used, whether it be stationery or clothes!

I might do an update on how I get on with these goals, maybe you'll see a book review to prove it or continue to see lots more content on my blog! Do you set yourself small goals to try and achieve? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Friday, 23 October 2015

Halloween Makeup Inspiration

So you've probably sorted out your outfit for Halloween by now but if you're looking for some inspiration for the finishing touches and makeup then look no further! I've picked out some affordable bits and pieces which I think are perfect to complete any Halloween look. Seriously though, everyone should have some glow in the dark paint!

Will you be celebrating Halloween this year? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

A/W Winter Trends I'm Loving

I don't really blog a lot about fashion and I wouldn't say I try to be "fashionable", I'll usually wear what I like the look of or what's comfy and not bothered by not being on trend. However, I am absolutely in love with what's in the shops this season! So here's the essential items I think are a must for this winter!

1. Capes
So easy to wear, capes are very popular again this year! They're the perfect alternative to a big heavy coat as you can layer instead! I'm yet to find the perfect cape for me but I saw this one on Very which I really like. They've had some lovely ones in Primark this year too, but they seem to be snapped up so quickly and I haven't managed to get my hands on one boo!

2. High Neck Jumpers
Everywhere seems to have high neck jumpers! I absolutely love the ones which have got the shoulder cutouts. Paired with jeans and boots I think these make a cute and easy outfit! Whether I'll actually be buying many of these because I'm not sure whether the neck will annoy me is another matter!

3. Pinafores
They are so adorable! I love that Pinafores are making a come back, I haven't managed to find my size anywhere in one I like so I'm obviously not the only one who is love with this trend! Worn as shown in the photo with a top underneath and tights looks so cute!

4. Over the Knee Boots
Being short, I don't think I'd ever be able to pull a pair of these bad boys off but I think they look great either for the day or dressed up for the evening. 

5. Ripped Jeans
The ripped jean look seems to continuing to make an appearance for A/W. These make such an easy outfit, paired with a nice shirt. boots and some pretty jewellery or a big scarf. 

What trends are you loving this A/W? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons
Hayley x 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Tanya Burr Nail Polish in Penguin Chic

Ever since YouTubers started bringing out their own ranges, I'll admit, I've been very skeptical (let's save that for another post/separate rant..). However, due to Tanya Burr's packaging change, a lot of the nail varnishes in the old packaging has been discounted (I bought mine as part of a Fragrance Direct haul) so I thought I'd try one out! I'm obsessed with nail varnishes so I'm always willing to see what a different brand has to offer with regards to shade range, quality and chip resistance.

I've been looking for a neutral shade that isn't a nude for a while and wanted to try out a grey. I absolutely love this shade in Penguin Chic and I was really surprised at the quality of it! I've been adding an accent nail on my ring finger to add a little bit of sparkle, in the photo I'm wearing OPI Happy Anniversary (bought on Fragrance Direct, see my haul here). 

Overall, I liked this nail varnish a lot more and I'm now choosing to wear it over my Essie polishes! I'll definitely be buying more of the colours from Tanya Burr's collection and would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for an affordable yet amazing quality nail varnish. I've got my eyes on the shades Fairy Godmother, Frosting Cupcakes and Duvet Day.
Have you tried any products from Tanya Burr's cosmetics line? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

My Little Box - October

 So this month's My Little Box was "My Little Creative box"... and for starters I have not got a clue why the theme is creative! I'll be honest from the start of this post, I am so disappointed with this month's box! Firstly, I open it and discover there's no pretty sticker to go in my scrapbook but some stupid promotion of their social media then where is the gorgeous illustrated box?! As for the contents I don't think I got my money's worth at all this month! And don't even get me started on delivery, it didn't arrive until today, 20th October...
 Inside this month's box alongside the usual bits and bobs...

Tote Bag - Apparently worth £15... are you kidding? As cute as this bag is, you can something similar for £1 in Primark. It has a cute quote on and probably will get used but this box is meant to be a treat for me and this item didn't impress me!

High Voltage Beads- Again... £16 for some beads?! I would never buy something like this let alone for this amount of money. I hate to be negative but I know a lot of people that are probably as underwhelmed as me.

Nail Polish- I'm yet to try this out, it's an okay colour but it's nothing special...

Creme de Minuit- I would assume this means night cream. I am intrigued to try this as I do tend to like the My Little Beauty products and this moisturizer is packed with lovely stuff to nourish and soothe the skin. Plus I have just run out of moisturizer!

Baija Hydrating Cream- Bit confused as to why there's two moisturizers in this box... well I get one is for your face and one is for your body but still. However it's a useful size and I might take it to New York next month. Although I just tried a bit out on my hand I am not too fond of the scent. 
I hate to be so negative but I struggled to find anything positive to say about the items in this box. After waiting for this box all month due to terribly slow delivery, overall I'm really disappointed. I'm afraid to say My Little Box we may be parting ways soon, the contents seem to be not worth the money!

Apologies that this has been the most whiney post but I do pay £15pm for this out of my own hard earnt money! I could have treated myself to some much nicer bits than what I received it this box!
 Are you a subscriber of My Little Box? What did you think of the box this month? If you have a suggestion of a different box I should try let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Monday, 19 October 2015

The Autumn Tag

I was struggling today to think of a post for #blogtober and to be honest it's been a stressful day so I thought I'd keep it simple and do a tag. I found the questions from Megan Jean . So here we go...

1. Ok we're talking coffees - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero 
I don't drink coffee so that's out of the question... but if I did it would be a gingerbread latte. However I love the Costa seasonal hot chocolates!

2. Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I love boots so much, I hate summery shoes and will always feel a lot more comfortable in boots! I normally struggle to find a pair of boots I love (and that fit) but I found some lovely ones in Asda this year! I also love a big scarf to keep me warm! I really want to find a cape thingy this year as well but I just haven't found the one yet.

3. Music - what's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn?
Although I listen to him all year round, Passenger is perfect for this time of year!

4. Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
 I'm currently loving YSL Black Opium which is perfect scent for this time of year I think!

5. Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
Is it weird that I'm slightly scared of candles as I'm worried they will cause a fire? Well... talking hypothetically if I were to burn them I'd love to use the Bath and Body works candles. They have some amazing sounding candles for Autumn including Marshmallow Fireside, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin and Salted Caramel!

6. What do you love most about Autumn?
Bonfire night, wearing boots again, toffee apples, falling leaves, snuggley clothes, cosy nights in... the list goes on! 

7. Favourite makeup look?
Berry lips, obviously!

8. What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
Going to New York next month eeeek and hopefully going to Central Park! Hopefully it will still be looking colourful and autumnal there!

I'm not tagging anyone particular but if you decide to do it then let me know and send me the link!

Hayley x 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Halloween Costume Inspiration

Haven't sorted out your outfit for Halloween? I've found a few fashion pieces to give you some inspiration! These pieces would either be the perfect accessory or would be a great main piece which you could either look great in alone or personalize to make look scarier!

Let me know what you're doing for Halloween or what you've decided to wear either in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

How I Stay Happy and Healthy. Part Two.

So part one of these posts talked about how I ensure I feel physically healthy and this post is how I stay feeling positive and good about myself (the fruit is slightly misleading I know!). I think that doing things that keep you physically feeling good and things that make you feel positive often go hand in hand, such as things I mentioned in my last post like exercise. However I want to talk about the little things you can do which will keep the stress at bay and that I find helpful!

Write To Do lists
I find having in front of me a list of everything I need to do a lot less overwhelming than just thinking Ahhh I have so much to do! Also there's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing tasks slowly get ticked off!

Plan your week
If you're not into to do lists, just take some time on a Sunday night to reflect on the past week and think of what you're doing the following week so you feel mentally prepared and know whether you've got a busy week ahead or whether there's room to add in some exciting plans!

Take time to relax 
Take a break and do something you love. Whether this be reading a book. some blog posts or doing something creative ( I highly recommend adult colouring!).Having some time to yourself can often reduce stress and make you feel refreshed.

Take time out to pamper yourself without the worry of having to be somewhere. I like to spend an evening every now and then just bumbling about, have a nice long shower and maybe do a face mask. It's amazing how refreshed it can leave you feeling! I find the best day to do this is on a Sunday night so you feel ready for another week, whatever life might throw at you. 

Resolve problems and anything your anxious about ASAP!
And what I mean by this is, do not put things off! I'm so bad at doing this, whether it's a phone call I don't want to make or replying to emails. But once I've got things done that I don't want to do it makes everything else seem a lot less stressful!

Think of the positives
No matter how bad you're day has been, be grateful for what you do have and put things in perspective. Also if you're not happy, think about what's make you unhappy. Over the last few months I've made a stand and if something is making me unhappy and it can be changed then I've been trying my best to make sure I don't put up with it! Sometimes this isn't always as easy as it sounds but create yourself some goals to get yourself to where you want to be and how you're going to do it!

Do you have any tips for staying positive and not getting stressed? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons. And be sure to make sure you read part one of this post!

Hayley x

Friday, 16 October 2015

Disney Wishlist October

Above are a few Disney items that have caught my eye because let's face it everyone needs some Disney pajamas! Also it won't be long before I give into temptation and treat myself to my first Tsum Tsum and I'm sooo excited for the release of Inside out on DVD so I can watch it again as it's become one of my favourite Disney films!

Are you Disney obsessed? Or started a Tsum Tsum collection? Let me know in the comments on tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

My Love Hate Relationship with Autumn/Winter

Does anyone else always really look forward to Autumn and Winter but forget how cold and miserable it can be? I hope I'm not the only one! But there is sooo much to be excited about this season and while moaning about being cold, I do have a few good reasons for liking these upcoming months.
Too early for the C word? Sorry not sorry... But my Christmas celebrations are going to be starting early this year when I head over to the US next month. I love seeing all the Christmas decorations going up, fairy lights feeling festive. Also I can't not mention the return of the mince pies nomnomn

Snuggley clothes 
Coming home from being in the cold and getting into cosy clothes = perfection. I love winter clothes, jumpers, fluffy socks, onesies - you name it I love anything snuggley.

Bonfire night
I do love a good firework display and bonfire to huddle around. I've no idea what I'll be doing this year but as long as it invovles fireworks and a toffee apple or two, I will be happy!

The colours of Autumn
The leaves changing colours. Need I say more?! This year I'll hopefully be able to see 
all these colours in no better place than Central Park in NYC eeeeeek!

Hot drinks
Winter comes around and suddenly I have a new found appreciation for hot drinks. Especially hot chocolates (with lots and lots of marshmallows). 
The cold
Brrrr. I always am shocked by the sudden drop in temperature last week I was fine wearing a hoodie out now suddenly I can't go outside without my winter coat!

The dark 
Although this happens every year and the sudden dark evenings shock me. I hate the dark evenings and leaving work and it being dark. 

Christmas Shopping
Don't get me wrong, I love give giving. What I do not like is having to deal with the stress of not knowing what to get anyone and no one telling me what the want. Every year I wish I could be one of those organised people that gets all their shopping early! 

The rain
Not much else to say except as if its bad enough that it's freezing cold, getting soggy clothes and frizzy hairs is just not my idea of fun .

Do you have a love hate relationship with Winter too? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

How I Stay Healthy and Happy

To me, being healthy isn't about losing weight so I'm definitely not promoting that everyone should be stick thin! The true meaning behind this post is to be happy you must feel healthy! I've struggled over the last few years with this, just generally not feeling my best and I truly believe it is down to lifestyle choices. Whilst being a student and living the student life it did impact how I felt and obviously if you spend half your life slugging about in your pjs then you're not going to get a lot done! This post could easily split in to two, how you can stay feeling motivated and positive but also the importance of feeling healthy! So this post is dedicated to how I try to stay active, healthy and better about myself and part two will be coming soon!

1. Exercise Bike and TV
Whilst at Uni a lot of people had gym memberships and I really didn't think I'd get the use of it, it also seemed like a waste of time getting down there, exercising, walking back, showering etc. So I decided to get an exercise bike and it was one of the best decisions ever! I had it in my Uni room and would do some exercise while catching up on YouTube then could just get on with my day. Now the exercise is squished into my little flat but is in the lounge, facing the TV, which means I can happily sit there, cycle and watch TV. I normally motivate myself to do this by catching up on shows the boyfriend won't watch with me in the evenings (i.e Made in Chelsea)

2.Walking Everywhere
I don't have a car and I hate paying the ridiculous amount of money for the bus, so when I can I've started walking to where I need to go, if it's within an hours walk and not pouring with rain. To be honest sometimes it's just as quick to walk once you've waited for the bus, sat in traffic etc. Plus I don't mind walking once I've got my earphones in and some Taylor Swift playing!

3. Green Tea
I started drinking green tea probably about a year ago when I realized that milk didn't really agree with me. A lot of people complain it's bitter but honestly if you get used to the taste you won't notice it. I really think it has contributed to me feeling good about myself- it's hydrating, reduces bloating and has lots of other health benefits! So don't get waste your money on a tea detox - just pick up some green tea next time you're doing the food shop.

4. No Fast Food
This is just a personal thing but I hate to think what goes into the likes of Mcdonalds etc so for the last year and a bit I've chosen not to have fast food. The temptation to get it as a quick lunch when you're out is often high as it's cheap but I've instead opting for a meal deal and getting myself a pasta salad.  I really don't miss it or crave it! 

5. Routine
Routine is a weird one, I guess it could either fall into health or having a positive mind set. However, I find that routine has a huge impact on how I feel and my energy levels. I've found it hard to establish a routine over the last few years, whilst at uni and now working varying hours. To add some sort of routine I do try to get up at around the same time, go to bed at the same time and do certain things at certain times of the day. Without a routine I can feel very groggy and I feel sticking to a routine makes me far more productive.

Do you have any tips for feeling happy  and healthy? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Post University Update

If you asked me if this is how I thought things would be after Uni I would have said a resounding no

I wasn't sure what I was going to be doing but this was not it. How do I feel about this? I'm not sure yet. It has made me realise though, if you are student thinking once you leave University everything will fall into place and you'll land the high paying and fulfilling career straight away, then you're probably wrong. 

People might say to me that I haven't got enough experience perhaps. In some ways they're right and getting experience is hard, however it is something I've done since leaving University. In the subject of my degree? Of course not

Honestly, it's not that I'm really unhappy with where I am. At the moment I have a job which although not a graduate role is helping me gain plenty of skills which future employers will hopefully...respect. My problem is I don't know what I'm working towards as I haven't decided on a career path. 

From all this ranting and what sounds to be negativity, I want to tell you something. This message isn't just for the students and graduates but for everyone and it's the one of the most important things I've learnt...

  Look for opportunities and find your own ways to make yourself stand out.

 You can't just expect things to work out for you and you definitely cannot expect your dream job to present itself to you out of "luck". Although this sounds obvious, what I mean is, you won't get anywhere if you don't talk to people and create opportunities to gain the experience. Sometimes you find opportunities in the most unlikely situations!

Hayley x