Wednesday 12 March 2014

Time for a Chat ❤

So, I realized I haven't actually done a chatty post on this blog yet! Therefore, I thought I'd formally introduce myself and just let you know a bit about me, the person behind this blog. I'm not sure where to start, maybe by the fact I'm suffering from shock that it's already March, I have literally no idea where time is going! I have one and half weeks of lectures left for this academic year, then I face horrendous exams and the realization that I only have one year of University left! As much as I enjoy University, I cannot wait to get on with my life and see what the future has to offer. I've been in education my whole life and I'm fed up of my life being defined by achieving grades; numbers and letters on pieces of paper! Although arguably University is a challenge in itself, I want to start challenging myself in ways that are worthwhile and achieve my goals. I guess you could say the aim of University is to get a good classification in order to get a job, but is it really that simple? I don't think so!

Anyway, bit about me and the future for this blog! So, if you are wondering I'm currently studying Psychology, regarded by many as a pointless subject, but of course I'd argue otherwise. I personally think it provides important insight and explanation to behaviour and reveals the capabilities of the human brain and body. Even if you wouldn't consider studying Psychology, I highly recommend for you to read about it, you might even discover for yourself how exciting and interesting it is!

On this blog, I don't just plan to talk about beauty but to express my thoughts and discuss topics which are  current and of importance (maybe even a few book reviews!). Of course, if you've read my previous posts it will be very clear that I'm a bit of a beauty junkie, in particular, in love with LUSH and I am highly supportive of their campaigns, which I'm sure I will discuss on this blog in the future. Other than that there isn't much else to know; I love living near the sea, writing and going shopping (obviously!).

I plan to regularly blog and I'd love to hear suggestions of what content you'd like to me to post!

Hayley x

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