Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Autumn is here

Hello there October. You're here so suddenly. And you're nearly already over too! 

2016 has been a weird old year for me. It's involved a lot of "adulting" and trying to work things out.

Looking back at my October summary blog post from last year, it seems October is just an unlucky month for me. However, it's made me realise how much I've changed.

This year has ups and downs. From going to Florida to finding an exercise I love (this deserves another blog post). And of course actually finding a job I enjoy.

If I told myself a year ago this is where I would be, I think my 2015 me probably wouldn't believe me. And I'm going to say that's a good thing. I probably would say "Don't be an idiot, you'll still be working part time as no one wants to hire you". 

But waving goodbye to that job was the best thing I did. If I didn't close that door then I would have missed a lot of opportunities. 

Back to here and now. Things aren't always great but I'm grateful. I don't have a plan for the future but that's okay. Who knows where or what I'll be doing next October!

Hayley x 

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