Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Things that stop me blogging

Once again I've realized I've managed not to blog for over a month. Of course I could use the excuse that starting a new job has zapped all my energy but that would also be a lie. I could also blame tiredness, lack of time or motivation. But those aren't the things that stop me blogging, these are...

Lack of branding

As the years have gone on blogging has evolved. It's not about writing about what you want and hoping people will read it. The most successful bloggers have a brand for themselves and their blog. Why do you think the likes of Zoella are so successful? I always feel I'm a bit here there and everywhere with blogging. I don't have a distinctive brand which means I don't stand out. I'm just "another blogger".

Lost in a sea of bloggers

Starting out as a blogger is hard. It takes ages to gain followers and traffic. But there's these certain people that BOOM they come out of nowhere and nail it. I guess there's a fine line between competition and jealously. I do get envious of bloggers that work with big brands and have lots of opportunities but at the same time I appreciate that they have worked hard. I get scared that I'll never make my blog more than just a place for me to chatter.


I admit, I'm not the most confident person. I never have and as much as I want to be, I probably never will be. I'm not particularly confident in some of my skills. Photography for example, I love taking photos but let's be honest, I'm not good at it (or at least in comparison to other bloggers). It does stop me from blogging because I'm worried that my bad photography attempts will put people off reading my blog. The amount of posts I''ve seen titled "Things that wil make me never return to your blog!" and bad photography always being one of them!

Are you judging me?

Now, this is a bit of a weird one. In a lot of areas of life I really couldn't give a damn what people think of me. I will happily go out wearing no makeup or do something stupid in public. But blogging is a bit of a different story. Blogging for me started as a hobby, something to fill my time around University. As time went on I used my blog to practice my skills and then I used it to display my skills which has made me feel like I'm being judged for any spelling mistake or if I don't say something coherently enough or if my sentences get too rambly and lack puntuation like this one...

I feel like people will read my posts and judge how disorganised my thoughts can be and how I could have written something better. 

I know I need to work on letting these thing go and not be so hard on myself. I want to see my blog as an experiment which is what it was when I first started a couple of years ago!

What stops you from blogging? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

Related post:
The Pressures of Blogging

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