Recently I turned 20 (on 22nd March to be precise). I literally can’t believe it! My 18th only feels like last week! Now I’m out of teenagehood and at the
beginning of the journey into my 20s. This is the decade of my life where I
plan to achieve most of my life goals, so, no pressure or anything! So far, there
have been good years and there have been not so good years, but at currently everything is the best it’s been. My achievements of the last 20 years
are very much defined by education which all led up to where I am now, studying
for my degree. But especially over the last year I’ve tried to do more, I’ve
taken on more challenges; worked on improving my writing, volunteering and
doing more things I didn’t think I could do before. While I view my teenage
years as the time to have made mistakes, my 20s are the years to get it right
and set a good foundation for my 30s, 40s and so on.
As for my birthday, it was full of surprises, cake and
pizza. Thank you to anyone who wished me a happy birthday! Being at University
it is weird not to have my family around me to celebrate my birthday but I was
treated to many surprises! Including my Mum, Dad and sister sending me a cake in the post! (This was delivered through Baker Days, if you would like a full review let me know!)
Anyhow, that’s all over now and it’s all about exams and
revision for the next month and a half. I’ve nearly finished my second year of
University which seems crazy! For now I’m living back in my hometown as
lectures have finished. I’ll also be in Spain next week which I’m looking
forward to as I haven’t been abroad for what seems like ages and I really need some sun (it's currently extremely cloudy here).
My goal for this month, alongside revision, is to blog more.
I’d love to hear your suggestions about what you would like to see posts about
and any feedback on my blog content or design!
Hayley x