Wednesday 28 October 2015

Blog Post Inspiration

Let's face it, we've all been there, we really want to write a blog post but we're stuck for ideas or in my case haven't had any time to take any photos! However I have some suggestions to consider if you're in this position, posts that always seem popular and because other bloggers want to know more about you, the person behind the blog! So if you find yourself struggling to write here are some good ideas to start you off...

1. Advice
Have you got some advice that could help others? Maybe you've gone to University and want to offer your tips on how to save money or how to cope with home sickness! Advice posts are always a great read and even if they only help one person knowing you could have helped someone is amazing. It's also nice to hear advice from someone who has actually gone through what you're struggling with.

2. Experience
If you've been on holiday recently or done something exciting then why not share the experience on your blog. It's always good to get some holiday inspiration, find out the good places to go and see all the touristy snaps! Or if you've done something exciting then tell others about it and maybe they'll realise they want to experience something new as well!

3. Tags
Tag posts are great to let others know more about you, recently I've done the Autumn Tag. Alternatively write a 50 facts about me as it's a really fun post to write and others will be able to relate to you and find similarities of interests, hates, hobbies etc! Also it's great then to read others responses!

4. Favourites 
It doesn't have to be beauty favourites! Share what ever you've been loving, whether it's food or a book you've read. If you've loved something then let others know about it so they can enjoy it to! I'm always more likely to try something out if I've seen a blogger talk about it.. no matter how random it is!

5. Life Updates
I'm not saying use your blog as a personal diary no way! There's just some life stuff the internet doesn't need to know and I'm not saying you need to give excuses if you've been away from the blogging world for a bit. I love reading and writing posts that give a sneaky insight into the life of a blogger and what they do other than their blog. Recently I've written life updates about my current goals and also life after University!

What are your favourite posts to read and/or write? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @_bowsandbuttons

Hayley x 

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