Tuesday 27 October 2015

50 Facts about ME!

1. I graduated this year with a 1st in Psychology.
2. I'm a huge Disney fan.
3. Adult colouring is my current obsession - i'ts the best way to destress!
4. Taylor Swift and Passenger are my most listened to artists.
5. I passed my driving test over a year ago and haven't driven since.
6. My favourite place is the beach and being near the sea.
7. I love green tea - it's magical stuff (if you don't know the benefits, google them now!)
8. I don't feel right if I don't have a to do list on the go.
9. I really want to write a book (not sure what about though...)
10. I have one sister who is 3 years younger than me
11. I was born in 1994.
12. I think I'm lactose intolerance
13... but I love cheese too much to find out if I'm right.
14. I love musicals, my favourite is either Wicked or Lion King!
15. I get autumnal Hayfever
16. Whilst at Uni my eczema was really bad on one arm then suddenly it went away and never returned anywhere on my body.. except my eyelids which is due to the cold weather!
17. I believe everything happens for a reason (to an extent)
18. I'm obsessed with quotes
19. I love books and reading
20. Nail varnish is my favourite sort of beauty product
21. I hate airports, I have no idea why but they make me feel so uneasy
22.I hate sport - taking part and watching it!
23. I scar so easily!
24. I have a scar up one finger where my sister hit me with a hair brush when I was younger.
25. I like piercings but they always get infected so I decided to not get anymore.
26. I have no idea what to for a career!
27. But my dream career would invovle animals, writing and being creative...
28. I love pajamas and comfy clothes too much
29. I started my blog as I needed to find a way to write!
30. I went to America for the first time this year. 
31. I don't tend to drink alcohol, only the occasional drink in the evening.
32. My favourite TV show is Made in Chelsea (even if it's a load of a rubbish, but I've watch it from the start and feel committed to it!)
33. I can't cope with emotional adverts.
34. I like my height at 5'5 I'm pretty average and don't really want to be taller or shorter!
35. I really don't like eating out and would prefer to cook my own food (even though I can't cook)
36. I want a little tattoo but don't know what of and if I'll ever have the guts to!
37. I have few regrets - my attitude has always been if I want to do something and if I think I might regret not doing it then I will!
38. Proudest moment of my life so far was graduating - wearing the hat and gown!
39. I have perfect eye sight and in face better than normal (I can read the bottom line of the thing they get you to read off)
40. I'm messy but really want to be a tidy person (and in my head I am)
41. I don't drink coffee. 
42. My boyfriend's family moved to America at the beginning of the year = Cheap holiday ;)
43. Despite not being able to cook, I have lately mastered pancakes!
44. And my boyfriend says my cookies are better than Tesco's!
45. I'll never buy a really expensive phone as they're a complete waste of money.
46. Long baths are my favourite thing to do when I spend some time relaxing.
47. Spring is my favourite season.
48. I love taking photos of things.
49. Although I love cities (especially New York) there is no way I could live in a city centre
50. I want to own a vintage car collection!

Hayley x 

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